Weekly E-News
Feb 15, 2022
Energetic Vibrations
Hello Fellow Communi-qi Members,
Let’s raise our energetic vibration, heal our blockages in body and mind and connect to the power of our hearts. Wonderful to welcome attendees from both the Southern and Northern Hemisphere.
We will move through the Five Elements, meditation and some reconnection with ourselves. Please join in Tuesday at 7:30 (know if you have to start later or leave earlier, please feel comfortable to do so as you will still experience benefits).
Added note: I will share a small qi movement designed to help with headache, heart pain, stomach pain, high blood pressure, fever and eye fatigue (which can happen when working at a computer)
To feel comfortable here are reminders:
Wear comfortable clothing
Bring a glass of water
We will have discussion too - feel free to ask questions - feel free to have camera on or off - it is all about your own comfort level.
Please know you do not need to know anything - just have an open heart and know you can experience healing energy in this practice.
We combine slow movements, breath and visualization so be open to using your imagination.
Check with a medical expert if you have any current medical conditions or concerns about any of the movements and please only do what is safe for you: If you have any history or family history, of any psychotic disorder, it would be best to consult your medical professional before you start practising Spring Forest Qigong.
If you want to ask me anything ahead of time simply email or text me. My cell/what’s app number is 416-553-5529 if you have any technical issues with zoom. You can also call in and I can lead you through it if video is not working.
Feb 2, 2022
Hello Everyone,
I look forward to raising our energy on this day of 02/22/2022. In numerology, this can be about connections and coming together and this is what we do in this qi-community remembering we all have the inner ability to remove blockages and promote healing.
We will move through the Five Elements, meditation, and a powerful simple self-healing exercise you can use to promote peaceful feelings in your daily life. Please join in tonight at 7:30 p.m. ( if you have to leave earlier, please always feel comfortable to do so).
To feel comfortable here are some suggestions:
Wear comfortable clothing
Bring a glass of water (healing energy can be transferred to water)
We will have discussion at beginning now- feel free to ask questions - feel free to have camera on or off - it is all about your own comfort level.You can ask in chat or on camera.
Please know you do not need to know anything - just have an open heart and know you can experience healing energy in this practice. It is a different experience for each person.
We combine slow movements, breath and visualization so be open to using your imagination. Cameras can be on and off - all to your comfort level.
Check with a medical expert if you have any current medical conditions or concerns about any of the movements and please only do what is safe for you: If you have any history or family history, of any psychotic disorder, it would be best to consult your medical professional before you start practising Spring Forest Qigong.
Also, I record our lessons so you can refer to them and practice. They are not for public viewing and I will eventually create a members only site. I will mute all and spotlight myself so you see the main movements on main screen.
Mar 2, 2023
Hello Healing Communi-Qi,
We focused on the B-R-E-A-T-H and its healing powers. Can you pause, take a moment and breathe in for 5-4-3-2-1 and breath out for 5-4-3-2-1
Can you connect to this life giving essence and calm your nervous system and connect with yourself.
When we are stressed we don’t breathe deep enough and stale energy can get stuck in your body. It gets shallower. If you can bring down the rate of breathing you can heal and bring more energy into your body. Not just in qigong class but in your daily life. Here is a simple reminder of the Energy Breathing exercise you can do in your day if you need a re-set or just a self-care moment:
TIPS: Close your eyes, drop your shoulders and put a smile on your face
Exercise: As you breath in through your nose, visualize the energy coming into your body from every pore of your skin,
And collecting in your lower dantian and draw your stomach (lower dantian) in slightly. Bring your focus there. As you exhale through your nose, feel any blockage and visualize any pain or sickness changing into smoke or light and shooting out from every cell of your body to the ends of the universe. Relax your lower dantian. Release this energy and feel it shooting out of your body going back to the ends of the universe.
You can repeat this a few times and do before bed as well for deeper sleep.
Thank you Healing Communi-Qi Member, Jill Nyren, for sharing the polarity of breathing diagram and information from Barry Johnson. My apologies for some fading in and out of audio in class and thank you to members who helped me test the zoom requirements for audio and music. Love Radiators are awesome:)??
TO Deep Breaths in your day….
Feb 28, 2023
Hello Healing Communi-Qi,
A well-known teacher was asked the question, "How do you engage more in life?" His answer: Learn how to Breathe Properly."
Tonight, we will focus on the healing power of the BREATH. Even as you read this message, consider slowing down your breath and calming your nervous system. A simple and powerful action to re-set. One of our members, Jill Nyren, will also share some information on this incredible tool.
Let us deepen our connection to our body and minds and hearts.
Suggestions for Healing Benefits:
Bring a glass of water (yin/yang is half hot/half room temperature)
Find a peaceful place and slow down your breath before class
Remember your S.M.I.L.E (start my internal love engine)
Cameras on or off
Good, Better, Best (work at your own pace or modify if not feeling 100%)
Sit, Stand or Lie down and still experience healing benefits
Together, as Love Radiators, in Healing Movement.
Feb 21, 2023
Bladder/Kidney Meridians
Hello Healing Communi-Qi,
Tonight, we will focus on the Bladder/Kidney Meridians as we talk about Fear and the emotional energy around it, and the ability to practice how we react to it.
We will move through a healing water meditation bringing in more flow around this New Moon Energy.
We have discussed winter stillness and quiet - going inward
Where emotions can be blocked in the body
We also talked about slow movements and shared this quote:
"When we walk like (we are rushing), we print anxiety and sorrow on the earth. We have to walk in a way that we only print peace and serenity on the earth... Be aware of the contact between your feet and the earth. Walk as if you are kissing the earth with your feet." - Thich Nhat Hanh
Suggestions for Healing Benefits:
Bring a glass of water (yin/yang is half hot/half room temperature)
Find a peaceful place and slow down your breath before class
Remember your S.M.I.L.E (start my internal love engine)
Cameras on or off
Good, Better, Best (work at your own pace or modify if not feeling 100%)
Sit, Stand or Lie down and still experience healing benefits
Together, as Love Radiators, in Healing Movement.